
Democracy, a better way of government, but no excuse to justify Taiwan Independence.

To say Hong Kong is a democracy before the handover in 1997 is a load of rubbish. Before that, HK was a COLONY of the British! HK's governors used to be hand-picked by its colonizers in the U.K. China now just retained what the Britons left and wants to decide the democratic progress in HK at its own pace. Everything has been made clear in HK's Basic Law. Don't tell me you have not read the Law before venturing your opinions that criticize China's role in HK's democratic reforms.

Democracy cannot be a reason for Taiwan's independence from China. Do not mix the two things. Whether or not China is democratic has nothing to do with the fact that Taiwan is part of China.

Democracy and non-democracy are just twos forms of government. I'd like to say that democracy has at least two aspects: power and money. Don't tell me the U.S. is a democracy for each and every American. U.S. democracy is a game for the rich.

And don't tell me free speech is also one for every American. In the media world where rich people rule the few media conglomerates, money talks. Of course, there is democracy in the world. But the problem is: who does the “democracy” work in favor of that you're talking about? The rich? The poor? The middle class? African-Americans? Immigrants? Every citizen?
